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Julia Ward


Introduction Gotto

Gotto Job is a free website template for job portals. This layout is based on Bootstrap 5 CSS framework. Thank you for visiting Template website. Images are from FreePik website.

Gotto helps you an easier way to get new job

You are not allowed to redistribute the template ZIP file on any other template collection website. Please contact us for more info. Thank you.

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Over 10k opening jobs Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipsicing kengan omeg kohm tokito adipcingi elit eismuod larehai

Technical Lead


Kuala, Malaysia

10 hours ago


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Marketing Assistant


California, USA

8 days ago


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California, USA

23 hours ago


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HR Manager


California, USA

15 hours ago

$35k - 45k

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Sales Representative


Bangkok, Thailand

30 mins ago

$20k - 35k

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Graphic Designer


Melbourne, Australia

2 days ago


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Over 10k opening jobs

If you are looking for free HTML templates, you may visit Template website. If you need a collection of free templates, you can visit Too CSS website.