+1 (800) 123 - 456

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Mon-Sun : 10am:07pm

Opening Timing

Nail Polish

Phasellus elit neque, blandit egestas is eleifend ut, condimentum nec tellamac sceleris ellentesque malesuada.

  • MANICURE.......................................$30
  • SIMPLE NAILPAINT............................$10
  • NAIL PAINT DESIGN...........................$25

Make up

Near eque blandit egestas is eleifend utcondimentum nec tellamac lorem sceleris ellent beauty salon.

  • MAKEUP PARTY....................................$30
  • BRIDAL MAKEUP...................................$10
  • NEUTRAL EYE........................................$25

Hair style

Phasellus elit neque, blandit egestas is eleifend ut, condimentum nec tellamac sceleris ellentesque malesuada.

  • HAIR CUT AND STYLE.........................$30
  • Highlights with a Cut..................$10
  • TEXTURE AND CURL..........................$25


Beauty salon eque blandit egestas isone eleifend ut condimentum nec tellamace sceleris ellentsque maleusada.

  • Brightening................................$30
  • Anti- Aging...................................$10
  • Moisturizing..................................$25


Blandit near eque egestas is eleifend utcondimentum nec tellamac lorem sceleris ellent beauty salon.

  • EYEBROW ARCH.....................................$30
  • Full Body..............................................$10
  • UNDERARM.............................................$25

Body Massage

Beauty salon blandit egestas is eleifend ut condimente umnec tellamac sceleris ellentesque malesuada.

  • DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE.........................$30
  • DESERT HOT STONE MASSAGe............$10
  • SWEDISH MASSAGE..............................$25