Based in Gujarat, yoga studio is india’s leading yoga studio offering over 40 per classes per week across
four locations in Mumbai, Delhi, Ahemedabad and Rajkot.
Conducted like begginers, advanced, pregnancy, meditation yoga classes.
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Our vision is to transform lives through spreading inspiration, love, joy, connection and optimal health with the
teachings of yoga, and a vibrant community of learners who wish to live life in a healthy, joy-filled way.
We look forward to welcoming you in to our community!
“Yoga is my favourite way to pretend
to work out”
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meet My teamRead latest news from yoga studio lorem ipsum sitamet dolor.
Curabitur venenatis pulvinar sem quis lorem ipsum sitamet dolor sitamet domec voinose renoialiquam nibh.
contactusMaecenas gravidaorciet ullamcorper lobortis libero mauris rutrum quam.
“I would highly recommend this unit of study for all who have the desire to understand
the joy that yoga practice brings to ones life and beyond Yoga is something
I look forward to in my week”
“The experience of my first class was like jumping and looking over a wall. Once I saw what was over that wall, I knew I had to go over and experience the other side. Thank you for guiding me through a journey.
- Kathleen Wagner“It’s very difficult to find a good yoga class. From the moment I walked into yoga studio I knew this was what I had been looking for. you made me feel very welcome, I highly recommend you.
- Edith ThompsonI was apprehensive about joining a class. you guys make me feel so welcome and I have since found out. it is not just the first lesson or two when shows you lovely caring attitude, it is evident in every class.
- Corey Imhoff